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Business Trip System

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This application is used to manage employee business trips in a company. This application is intended to record business trips and the nominal amount of allowance given to employees while on duty.


Each user has access in the form of a username and password. Admin can set the role for each user to be EMPLOYEE or HRD

Employees can apply for business trip by submitting: the purpose of the trip, date of departure, date of return, city of departure, destination city, and duration

The duration of a business trip is calculated automatically using the departure and return dates

The data of the city of origin and destination is managed by the HRD in the form of city master data. This data includes the city name, latitude and longitude coordinates, the province name of the city, the island name where the city is located, and whether the city is located abroad or not.

The distances are calculated from the lat-lon of the city of origin and destination, which is obtained automatically from Geocoding API.

Employees will get business trip allowance per day accordingly with its distance classification, where:

  • Distance 0 – 60km: no allowance
  • Above 60km but in one province get IDR 200,000 per day
  • Over 60km outside the province but still on one island get IDR 250,000
  • Over 60km outside the province and outside the island get IDR 300,000

The distance is automatically calculated from the latitude-longitude of the origin and destination cities.

Every business trip request by an employee must be processed and approved by the HRD. When the business trip request is approved by the HRD, the total amount of money that must be paid is also displayed.

Every employee can view the status of their business trip request through the employee dashboard, whether it is pending, approved, or rejected.

The HRD can view the history of business trip requests that have been approved or rejected by them.

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